Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Why Mondays Suck, or Why you should never let your cell phone battery die

Me: [Picks up pay phone and dials number]

Recorded Message: Please deposit...fifty cents...please

Me: [Drops two quarters in]



Operator: Please deposit fifty cents ma'am

Me: I did.

Operator: Please hold

Operator: Did you get your change returned?

Me: [Checks coin return] No.

Operator: Well, then you will have to call the refund number you see on the phone.

Me: Are you kidding?? This phone just ate my money! I need to get in touch with my husband in the next five minutes!

Operator: Ma'am, how do I know that you really put money in??

Me: Well, if I call the refund department, how will THEY know any better than you??

Operator: Ma'am, that makes absolutely no sense and you know it. CLICK.

Needless to say, my husband, who had to wait 45 mintues for me at the train station, was very pissed. I tried to explain that Ma Bell was being a bitch, but for some reason he didn't laugh.


Maggie said...

I think you made a lot more sense than the operator did!

My dad was in surgery one year for what we thought was lung cancer (it wasn't) -- very stressful. I was in the ICU waiting room and had to call the company I was interviewing with. No cell phones in hospitals, so I was on the pay phone. My siblings kept shoving more change at me so I could keep talking. It was a mess. Somehow, I still got the job.

LadyLinoleum said...

I guess your experience should be a lesson to me as well. I am constantly walking around with 0 - little charge. LOL

Barely Sane said...

Ah yes... the forgetting-to-charge-the-cell-phone fiasco. Only slightly better yet far more annoying than the forgot-my-cell-at-home scenario.

Makes sense to me tho - how does ANYONE know u put the money in there????

Deb said...

How did we live before cell phones?????
I once had to us my debit card for $0.11. Long story. I never carry change with my. It all goes in the Baby Fund Jar.

ANd you totally made sense; that operator was weird.

Elle said...

how dumb was that lady.

I am the queen of the non working cell phone. I never charge mine and frequently forget it at home, in the car, at the office or anywhere that I am not.

Amy Lane said...

That both sucks, and is terribly funny... sorry... *&^ing cell phone batteries...

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Sorry, I am sure it wasn't funny at the time.

Why are there Ma Bell's around in this modern world? Can't they think up something better?

Anonymous said...

That is so tragically hysterical - you just can't make shit like this up.

Hell, I'm surprised there was actually a live person on the other end - of course, automated would have been better in this case.

Chelsi said...

I'm amazed you could find a pay phone - they really are almost non-existant these days b/c of cells. That phone operater is wacked - what you said made absolute sense to me!!

beagle said...

There's not much service in customer service these days.

How frustrating!

Unknown said...

How DO they know if you put the change in or not? And then who the hell is going to spend all that time with the refund department for 50cents???