Wow. This is all going really fast. Sometimes I think you are growing right before my eyes. At your last doctor's appointment you weighed 17lbs 10 oz and you grew another inch. You are one solid little boy. I can't imagine how I'm going to hold you when you're two. Sometimes I carry you upside down on my hip and chant "sack of potatoes, sack of potatoes". So far that makes you laugh.
You laugh alot more now. Big hearty giggles that crack us up. Sometimes you laugh when we do certain things, like when I sit you facing me on my lap, hold your hands and flip you slowly backwards. Sometimes you just burst out with a big guffaw for no reason at all. But I swear, there is no better sound I have ever heard in my life.
Conversely, you have started to make the worse sound I have ever heard. It's this whingy whiney groany "eeehhhhhh" sound. So. annoying. We can't figure out why you do it. You seem to be frustrated or uncomfortable or something but we can't figure out why. Please stop. If you continue to do this until and through your toddler years, I will surely go mad. For some reason, the highchair really sets you off. You immediately get fussy when you are put there. Feeding you, particularly in the evenings is really getting to be a chore. If you are really tired, you do the all out, red face, can't hardly catch your breath cry. The second I take you out, you stop. *sigh*. That is so not cool. I only get a few hours with you each night so let's make them good ones, okay? You and I, we're working it out. Slowly. You've begun stage 2 foods, but mostly just the fruits and veggies. You get a few spoons of the meat a day, but we're taking that very slowly. That stuff smells like regurgitated cat food, not sure how you can stand it.
Every day you get better control of your hands. It is amazing to watch you start to really use your fingers. We now have to move most things out of your reach when you are sitting on our laps at the table. You like to grab things and bang them really hard. The louder the noise the better. Grandma thought it was funny until you actually smashed a melanine bowl into many pieces. No more bowls for you. You can grasp a sippy cup really well, and you get the concept that you can drink from it, but we're still working on the concept of tilting the cup upward so you can get to the water.
Another great thing you have started to do, is to put your hands in my hair and pull my face into yours. You put your big wide open mouth on my face. I guess that's your version of a baby kiss? It kinda hurts most of the time because you've got a mean grip, but oh how I love it when you want to be close to me!
Your babbling is different now. Instead of just ooooo and aaaaaa sounds you are actually trying out your tongue and jaw. We now get lots of babababas and yayayayas. When you make those kinds of sounds I get glimpses of what your voice will sound like when you do talk. You also love to do raspberries, although you've been doing that for a while now. Not so cute when you do it with a mouthful of peas. Your face is maturing too...your hair is growing and you're losing some of that "baby look". We are so torn between wanting to see grow and progress and wanting you to stay little just a little longer. These months are flying by.
You sit up very well on your own now and only tip over once in a while.
You seem to like tummy time alot better now, although mostly what you do is alternate between pushing yourself up on your arms and laying down and sucking your thumb. Those push ups apparently take alot out of you. We try to put toys in front of you to encourage you to start crawling, but mostly you just get so excited your legs move you backwards. You've got rolling over completely down now. In fact, you can roll from back to front AND front to back. We put you on a quilt on the floor and in no time you've rolled yourself right off of it.
You get up at about 7-7:30 each morning, which is good because I can say goodbye to you right before I leave for work. You do pretty well with your naps. You sleep about an hour in the morning and a good two to three hours in the afternoon. We find that if we put you in the middle of our king size bed for your afternoon nap, and put some classical music on the radio, you sleep pretty long. You still sleep with your hands up...we call it your Victory pose (another good day for seamonkey!)
Amazing, amazing, beautiful baby!! Seamonkey is such a charmer - look at that expression in the last photo. YOu are going to have to lock him up when he's a teenager. :-)
Love the "victory" sleeping position. Speaks volumes, doesn't it?
Wonderful update. Seamonkey is such an adorable baby. That last picture is priceless. The sparkle in those eyes and that charming smile show just how much personality your little guy has.
I'm so, so glad you found each other!
A lovely update, and he just keeps getting cuter and cuter. How is that possible?
Exactly what ruth said!!! Aside from my own kid (what kind of parent would I be without that bias? ;-) ) I don't think I've seen many cuter babies than Seamonkey!
That was really sweet and the pictures were so cute.
Awwwww! Lucky Starfish! Lucky Seamonkey!
He is clearly one very happy little boy!
This was such a B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L post. (sigh) I miss my little guy being such a little guy - he turned 2 in January.
How sweet...he's growing up so fast! But he's cuter than ever.
Sweet letter. He is changing a lot, but still ADORABLE!
I hear you on that whining thing. Most annoying sound ever.
He is such a looker! Its amazing how fast they grow.
Sounds like he has a lot of personality -- just like his mommy!
Very handsome little guy you have!
wow... you are his mom - and he is yours - just perfect!
I can't believe another month has gone by. Time flies!
This is my first visit to your blog... your little guy is absolutely beautiful and I love how you write his entry to him for your monthly recap.
Looking forward to watching your little "seamonkey" (too cute) grow up!!
Mommy to Sophie
I hope you know how completely gorgeous your son is!!
I have heard that babies who sleep with their hands up (one of ours did) it means they totally trust you and their surroundings :)
He is one beautiful child. Wow, what a miracle :)
That was just gorgeous--and you'll be really happy you wrote it in five years... a baby's first act of criminal rebellion is growing up before his mother gave him express permission to do so. We have yet to think of a suitable punishment for that. He sounds wonderful... (missed you--thanks for coming to visit--I'll keep in touch more myself!!!)
Okay... I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE his eyes! They are so beautiful! Thanks for what you wrote on my blog about my little boy. Your's is a looker too!! ;o))
Love the victory sleeping pose. He could not possibly be any more adorable. I love your udpates and all the pictures. Seamonkey is one happy guy!
Girl, he's beautiful. It's fascinating seeing how quickly he's growing and becoming a real person. And those eyes! He has the most intoxicating eyes! It's obvious that he's exactly where he's supposed to be.
Beyond beautiful baby. What a perfect post for your son.
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