Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I think I need to start shopping....


mama k said...

Congrats! Better get shopping! Oh and I thought the Columbia/Colombia post was hilarious.

Sonya said...

Whoohoo! So what is the timeline now? So exciting!

Anonymous said...

Very exciting- congrats. What's timeline now?

Anonyknits said...


Anonymous said...

Yay!! What a great surprise to see in your mailbox. Have fun shopping!

Tiff said...


Jenni said...

YAY! That's another hurdle crossed! Now, time to get down to the serious business of shopping.

Deb said...

Yippee! Wonderful news. What's next?

Lori Rode said...

Hoooray! Hooray! I'm so happy for you. One step closer.

beagle said...

Just found your blog . . . congratulations and have fun shopping!

Jill said...

mazel tov! awesome... how many times have you read it over and over????