Thursday, August 24, 2006

Which do you want first?

The good news or the bad news?

Ok good news first:
We don't have to re-do our prints, so we are just waiting for official approval from the orphanage.

Now the bad news:
We were told we have to go BACK to Dr. Evil and pay him MORE money to confirm that when we get home, we are still not insane and that our in depth clinical review is still valid. I can't believe I have to give him more money. It kills me.

Thanks so much for your comments on my last post. I re-read it and had to laugh out loud. I think I must have been smoking some pretty strong crack. Register twice?? What was I thinking?? I liked the suggestion of just registering for everything and then deleting stuff on-line when we know the gender. However I think the more likely scenario will be that we won't really register until we get THE CALL. I neglected to remember that I have won medals in endurance in the sport of shopping. I'm sure I can run through a baby store in no time flat, especially when I'm fueled by the excitement of our assignment. Thanks for smiling and nodding at the crazy lady and letting me rant on incoherently. It's why I love you guys.

On the gender neutral thing...nah, can't do it. It's like asking Picasso to create his next work only using a beige crayon. Well, not exactly, as I am not Picasso, but you get the idea. Being known for my creativity, there are big expectations for this room, and I intend to deliver! Blue greens in an ocean theme if it's a boy and pink/brown touille if it's a girl. Don't even try to dissuade me, I'm just ridiculous when I get an idea in my head. I'm sure all your gender neutral rooms are totally adorable. I am just a nut case. (registering twice! ha!)

So question for you. We have been asked to go on a family vacation over the Thanksgiving holiday. It would be from like Wednesday to Sunday (4 nights), and we'd be going to Europe. The price is a bargain. There is a chance that we may get THE CALL prior to Thanksgiving, although we have no idea how likely or unlikely that is. Do we go? Do we book it and buy travel insurance in case we have to cancel? Do we book it and if we have the baby, by a baby bjorn and take the baby? Do we not go because what are you crazy you don't have enough going on in your life right now? Part of me says no, but part of me says, Girl, this is the last time you will go anywhere in a long while without a little person attached to you. We've put off so much of our lives in the last 3 years because we were sure we'd be pregnant. Now I want to say screw it. Oh and wait, don't they say that the quickest way to get a referral is to book a trip, and Murphy's Law says it will come during that exact time?



Jenny said...

Hum, Europe is a toughy.

We aren't even booking our beach house this year because we aren't sure if we would have the kid, or be able to take the vacation time, or be able to afford it and that is for next may!

I think your tone is to totally book it and take out the insurance. I think that is the best way to go. If you have the babe he/she can go with you and it will be an incredible family trip. Or if you don't then you have a great vaca to look forward too!

I say book it.

Anonymous said...

I say go on the trip. Definitely. Especially if it will speed up your referral.

Have you already tried the Bjorn and decided that you like it best? The reason I ask is that another a-parent recently told me that she loooooves the Ergo.

And I love the colors that you've picked out for the baby's room!

A Room to Grow said...

I also vote to book the ticket with insurance. And if you have your little one, bring her along! Life is too short to be waiting around.

(please save this comment... and send back to me when we are thinking about planning a trip next spring)

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you can get the assigment that quick?? Here in Europe the wait for a FANA child is at least 1 year (from the date the dossier gets to FANA).


Deb said...

I say buy the insurance and go if you can. What an awesome last trip before your baby comes home. Or a great first trip if baby is home.

Anonymous said...

I dare commenting in english...sure you have to go for it! The worst you can do while waiting is to focus on just waiting. We did that in 2000 and our daughter was born right DURING these holidays we took on a greek island. I can exactly remember what I did the day she was born...only because I left, the current waiting days were so boring equal !

Kerry said...

Book it! Book it! Book it! If you don't have baby yet it'll probably be one of the last romantic vacations you and Jim have for a bit. If you do have baby you'll be able to tell her she's a globe trotter. :-)

Elle said...

Dude, you better book this. If not I'm flying my tired ass all the way back from Russia to smack you in the head. I need someone to live vicariously through. 3 trips to Russia to not a vacation make.

Anonymous said...

Kay: No opinion on the Bjorn, someone recommended it but I'll check out the Ergo too.

Karin: Good job!!

Elle: No need for violence girl LOL!

/L: Yes it is possible. Our agency is small and only a few couples are adopting through Colombia. The last person I heard waited only 3 months for their assignment. I know it is longer overseas (sorry!).

Lauren & Cupcake said...

From the one who doesn't make lists, or think twice about much...Book It! Buy the insurance if it makes you feel better. Hopefully the baby will come with you, it will be great practice. Again, remember this is advice from the one who has never been referred to as practical but often impulsive BUT I have never regretted a decision yet!

John said...

I recevied your note about the crib, I wish you the best of luck and it will be hard, but it's very healthy to start this type of nesting. After years of hoping for a child, it was hard to let ourselves start getting the house ready, but after we received a little push; we have really been flying fast. I will say though, watch out because once it fulling sinks in that you really do have a baby coming home soon, you'll be cleaning and organizing like crazy.

As you sawy on our blog, my wife and I actually registered last night! Since we now at least know a smaller age range than before it went pretty well. We will add a lot to it once we know the gender and exact age of our little Colombian_.
Good luck and that would be great if we are all in Bogota at the same time!
John & Monica

Amy Lane said...

Sorry about Dr. Evil...tough break... Europe is a tough call... I'd probably go--because even if it doesn't spur the cruel gods to call you and go "nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah-nyah..." it will make waiting more bearable. (As a breeder, this explains why I went shopping at Target when I was in the middle of my four day labor. What the hell--I was already in pain, right?)

Melissa said...

I agree with everyone who said to book the trip. Do it for yourselves. Like you said, you won't have many more opportunities like this one in the near future. Go and enjoy yourself. Maybe Murphy's Law will go into effect.

Chelsi said...

I say, just book it (and get the insurance just in case :) ) I've learned not to trust the "what if's" anymore!! Oh, and about registering - here's another idea: a lot of places let you register online in secret, i.e. not release the info to the public until you are ready. That way, you can have the registry to release once you get the call and don't have to pick stuff on the fly. Just an idea...

Miss Scarlett said...

Book with cancellation insurance.
That way if you have baby you can judge whether or not the trip timing is right - or if the baby hasn't arrived you can go to Europe and create some great pe-baby memories.
Pink and brown toile sounds lovely.
I don't blame you at all for waiting. I wouldn't be happy with a neutral room either.

Barely Sane said...

Book it & buy insurance. We are in the same boat - heading South in November for a week. Like you, we've put off SO MUCH because we thot we 'might' be pg or because we spent our last $$ on fert treatments.

Go. Have fun. Post pics!!!

beagle said...

I say book it then if you can't go because Murphy came through and you get your baby during those four days then you won't mind missing the trip and in any other scenario you will glad to have a memorable trip.

Thalia said...

I'm with most of the others. Book it. It's been so awful, always taking last minute holidays because we never know what's around the corner - it would be wonderful to have that to look forward to.

Re the colours - honey you are WAAAy too designer-y for me. My baby's getting a room with white walls and a couple of bookshelves if it's lucky.

Jill said...

book it danno!

Jenni said...

Definitely book the trip! If you have to cancel and reschedule for a later date, then so be it.

As for gender neutral, I couldn't do it either. Unfortunately, our kids shared a room for their first 5 months home, so we had to get boy stuff and girl stuff that oculd go together in the same room. Pottery Barn Kids was great for that! Now that they are in their own rooms though, I defintiely would like them to have more of a theme. Brown and pink touille sounds lovely for a girl, and I like the ocean theme for a boy too.

Anonymous said...

Book it! Get the insurance and don't worry about it.

I'm just like you about the gender specific room - I've been on a spending spree all summer getting "our daughter's room" ready. I did it in toile, too. The set I got has both twin and crib size sets so I'm all set depending on the age of the child we get. I bought the twin but I can always go back and get the crib size if necessary and then she can grow into the twin.

Anonymous said...